WWDC Recap – OS X Mavericks

06/12/2013 17:49


Just like iOS 7, Apple was expected to have a complete design change. They did just that with iOS 7, but it doesn’t seem so with Mavericks.

My favorite addition is iBooks. I love to read books on my iPhone and iPad so this will be great.

Apple also added more support and customization for people with display. They say that with this there is no “main” display anymore.

Some of you may like this new app. Maps was a big hit on iOS and now it’s coming to OS X. I don’t really see the need for a map application on a Mac. It’s not like you would be using your Mac as a GPS.

Other than that there isn’t anything else that is too important. Like iOS 7, OS X Mavericks will come out this fall. You can learn more about it here




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